Dashes are often overlooked in writing, but they play a crucial role in enhancing the flow and clarity of your sentences. Their usage can greatly impact the overall tone and readability of your writing. However, many writers struggle with using dashes correctly, resulting in confusion and inconsistencies in their written work. In this article, we will delve into the appropriate usage of dashes in writing and explore how they can be used to improve the impact of your words.

Appropriate Usage of Dashes in Writing

In the world of writing, punctuation marks play an important role in conveying meaning and emphasizing certain points. One such punctuation mark that often causes confusion and misuse is the dash. Dashes come in different forms – the en dash (–) and the em dash (—) – and they have their own specific uses in writing. Understanding when and how to use dashes correctly can greatly improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. In this article, we will discuss the appropriate usage of dashes in writing and provide examples to help you master this important punctuation mark.

The En Dash (–)

The en dash, also known as the ‘short dash’, is named after its length which is equal to the width of a capital ‘N’ in most fonts. It is commonly used to indicate a range of numbers, dates or times. In HTML, the en dash can be represented by typing –. Below are some examples of the en dash being used for different purposes:

  • The concert will take place from June 10 – 15.
  • The pages 11 – 20 will be covered in the next exam.
  • The museum is open from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm on weekdays.
  • The temperature in New York City varies from 0 – 10 degrees in the winter months.

As shown in the examples above, the en dash is used to show a range or connection between two elements. It is important to note that there should be no spaces before or after the en dash, and it should not be confused with a hyphen (-). The correct usage of the en dash can make your writing more concise and easier to understand.

The Em Dash (—)

The em dash, also known as the ‘long dash’, is named after its length which is equal to the width of a capital ‘M’ in most fonts. It is primarily used to indicate a break in thought or to add emphasis to a certain part of a sentence. In HTML, the em dash can be represented by typing —. Here are some examples of the em dash being used correctly:

  • I had a feeling that something was off – I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
  • Tom – my best friend since childhood – will be joining us for dinner tonight.
  • I have tried every possible solution – and I mean every single one – but nothing seems to work.
  • She always talks about her problems – it’s like she can’t stop.

As shown in the examples above, the em dash is used for interruptions, interjections, or to emphasize a certain point. In the first example, the em dash indicates a pause in thought, while in the second example it is used to set off a non-essential phrase. The em dash can also be used to replace parentheses for added emphasis. It should be noted that the em dash should always be used in pairs, with no spaces before or after it.

When to Use Dashes in Writing

Knowing when to use dashes in writing can be challenging, especially because they are often used interchangeably with other punctuation marks such as commas, parentheses, and colons. Here are some common cases where dashes can be used:

  1. To show interruption or emphasis: As mentioned earlier, em dashes can be used to indicate a break in thought or to emphasize a certain point. It is a more informal way of adding emphasis compared to using colons or commas. For example:
    • She had always been a great student – punctual, attentive, and determined – until she got into a serious accident.
    • He was known to be the most charming – and manipulative – person in the office.
  2. To set off non-essential phrases: Non-essential phrases can be set off by dashes, parentheses, or commas. The use of dashes in this case adds more emphasis compared to parentheses, but less than commas. For example:
    • The city of Paris – known for its beautiful architecture – attracts millions of tourists every year.
    • My sister – who has always been a perfectionist – was unhappy with her exam results.
  3. To indicate a break in thought: When a writer wants to abruptly change the direction of a sentence or introduce a new thought, em dashes can be used. For example:
    • The world is constantly changing – technology is advancing at an exponential rate – but human nature remains the same.
    • Our teachers were not only educators – they were also mentors and friends.
  4. To show a range or connection: As mentioned earlier, the en dash is commonly used to indicate a range or connection between two elements. Here are some more examples:
    • We will start our vacation on June 25 – July 10.
    • The event is open to all students from grades 9 – 12.

It is important to note that the use of dashes in these cases is a stylistic choice and it may vary depending on the writer’s preference and the tone of the writing. However, it is always essential to be consistent throughout the document when using dashes.

The Importance of Using Dashes Correctly

Despite being a simple punctuation mark, dashes can greatly impact the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. Using dashes incorrectly can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of your message. Moreover, improperly used dashes may also give the impression of careless writing and lower the credibility of your work. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and use dashes correctly in your writing to convey your message accurately and effectively.


In conclusion, dashes have their own specific uses in writing and can greatly improve the clarity and effectiveness of your message if used correctly. The en dash is commonly used to indicate a range or connection between two elements, while the em dash is used to show interruption or emphasis. Knowing when and how to use dashes correctly can elevate your writing and make it more engaging for your readers. We hope this article has provided you with the necessary knowledge to confidently use dashes in your writing. For more tips on improving your writing skills, check out this article on exam stress busters and techniques for better learning.

In conclusion, the appropriate usage of dashes in writing is an important aspect that writers must be mindful of. Dashes can add emphasis, show a break in thought, or even create a dramatic effect in a piece of writing. It is essential to understand the different types of dashes and their specific functions in order to use them correctly. By following these simple guidelines, writers can enhance the clarity, flow, and impact of their writing. Proper usage of dashes not only improves the overall quality of the writing but also shows a mastery of the English language. So, next time you write, remember to use dashes appropriately and see how they can elevate your writing to the next level.


  • harryrees

    I am a 28 year old educational blogger. I have been writing about education for over a decade now, and I believe that education is one of the most important things that people can do for themselves and for the world around them.