Hands-on activities can be used to prepare for middle school science fairs or make class more interesting. This vast collection of seventh-grade science ideas includes biology, chemistry and physics. Get inspired by this list of seventh grade science ideas!

1. You can drive a balloon-powered vehicle
Instruct a balloon powered car from basic materials in your home. (Even the wheels can be made of bottle caps!) You will be amazed at how fast the car can go.

2. Build a DIY Growbox
Build your own planter box and you’ll have many science fair projects to complete with it. A plug-in lamp socket is all that’s required.

3. Sort jelly beans for genetics
This jelly-bean demonstration will help you learn more about genetic inheritance. Enjoy a sweet treat when you’re done.

4. Airfoil a teabag with a teabag
This is an easy way to teach kids about heat and how it affects air molecules. Hot air rises. You will need to supervise them while they build the fire.

5. Use pressure to crush cans
While it is easy to crush soda cans with your hands, imagine if it was possible to do so without ever touching them. That’s how air pressure works!

6. Construct geodesic dome
The dome’s fascinating geodesic structure will delight budding engineers. This experiment can be done with only newspaper and maskingtape!

7. How to design a Solar Oven
Students investigate the best method to build a sun oven. You can also send them their final reports and the results of their experiments!

8. Get your favorite beverage spherified
Spherification has become a trendy trend in restaurants. Science students in seventh grade can replicate it at their home with a spherification kits. This is an interesting chemistry experiment that’s also delicious!

9. Helping hand
This project can be used by students in seventh grade to encourage them to develop their engineering and design skills and make a model of a hand.

10. Learn how salt affects density
Examine the salinity and water quality of different bodies of waters. Then, recreate those waters to see how eggs can float. Explore other objects.

11. You can see the greenhouse effect at work
Climate change is a controversial topic. Start by teaching children about the greenhouse effect. It’s easy to understand and see. Encourage them to look at data from other scientists to help them make informed decisions on topics such as global warming.

12. Marvel at a density rainbow
Oil floats on liquid water. However, we learn this early. Students learn this by conducting a density experiment where they layer various substances to make a rainbow.

13. LEGO bricks allow you to learn computer programming
There is a good chance that at least one of your students will be able to code computer programs. Use LEGO bricks to introduce the idea.

14. Storing energy requires you to burn calories
Have you ever wondered how scientists calculate the calories in food? This experiment will help you find out!

15. Test PH using cabbage
Learn about acids, bases and pH without the use of PH test strips. You can boil some red cabbage. Students can then test various substances using the water. Here’s a fun, kid-friendly set of test tubes.

16. Use charcoal to purify water
Water filtration systems are used in many homes these days. But what does it actually mean? This experiment demonstrates how charcoal removes impurities from water.

17. Experience the thrill of the wave machine
What is wave action? This is a simple wave machine that can be used for exploration.

18. Mummify hot dogs
Do your students love ancient Egypt? This is the seventh grade science project you need! You don’t need canopic containers; grab some baking soda to get started.

19. Construct a waterclock
When you tell your seventh grade science students that they will build a clock from engineering that has been around for thousands, it will blow their minds. Although the materials are relatively simple, the end result is quite remarkable.

20. Make your slime
Your students will love slime! You can make slime that glows in the dark or magnetic!

21. Find out how sugary beverages affect your teeth
Eggshells have a high calcium content, making them an excellent substitute for teeth. This experiment uses eggs to see how soda and juice stain enamel and wear it down.
(Bonus: Let students test different toothbrush and toothpaste combinations to find out how effective they are.

22. Extract DNA From an Onion
This experiment can take some time and may require some extra supplies. But, children will feel like scientists once they extract onion DNA from a testtube. You can usually find most of the supplies you need at home. Amazon also sells 95% ethanol.

23. A DIY barometer can be made
This DIY science project is simple and effective. It teaches children about meteorology and air pressure. The barometer will allow them to track and predict the weather.

24. Try a Flexibility experiment to expand your thinking.
Compare the flexibility of willing participants before and after stretching exercises to find out just how important it is. This experiment is great fun for anyone who loves to exercise.

25. Some coins can be copper-plated
The classic seventh-grade science project that involves electrolysis or electroplating requires only a few supplies. However, the results are always spectacular. Amazon has copper strips with 9V battery connectors with alligatorclips.

26. For germs, test your skin with a swab.
There’s no better time to learn more about bacteria and germs than right now. This experiment will make your seventh-graders feel like scientists.

27. Hydraulic power is handy for tinkering
This unit is ready to use and will help you teach your children about hydraulics.

28. Biofilm can be collected and controlled
Biofilm is a compound made up of bacteria that builds up on water-borne objects. This ecology project will see students create an apparatus that collects biofilm. They then try to reduce the amount of biofilm over time.

29. Find out if color has an effect on memory
Can certain colors improve your memory? This experiment tests that theory using only black and colored markers and a group of willing participants.

30. Crystals can be used to experiment and grow.
You have many options for experimenting with crystals. The link below has great ideas for making edible crystal flowers.

31. Explore the laws behind motion using a fidget spunner
Fidget spinners are great for keeping kids focused. But did you know that they could also be used as science experiments? This experiment explores Newton’s First Law of Motion, also known as The Law of Inertia. Educational and fun!

32. See if caffeine helps you type faster
When they feel tired or sluggish, people seek out caffeine to boost their performance. Students are challenged to answer this question using scientific methods.

33. Make a pinball device
Provide basic materials for your class, such as rubber bands and cups, as well as cardboard boxes. Next, challenge your class to make their own pinball machines.

34. Create a Da Vinci-style bridge
There are many bridge building experiments, but this is the best. This bridge was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s 500-year-old wooden self-supporting bridge. You only need unsharpened pencils or loom bands.

35. A taxonomy system should be created
Linnaeus can be re-created by students using a few dried beans to create their own taxonomy system. This seventh-grade science project is fun to work in groups so that students can compare the systems.

36. Generate electricity
For science fair, students build a generator. Once the generator is built, students can do many experiments with it.

37. Try oxidation.
One way to check if an object rusts is to drop it in water. Another way to test the condition of the water is to alter the conditions so that the rusting can be delayed.

38. Spin Beyblades for exploring angular momentum
Playing with toys is something that kids love the most. Their favorite battling caps can be used to investigate the relationship between weight and angular acceleration.

39. Blower cold or hot bubbles
While blowing bubbles might sound too fun for science projects, when temperatures are changed, the experimental part kicks into action. Students can blow frozen bubbles if it is cold enough!

40. Make your own lip balm
You can try this experiment to prepare for the seventh-grade science fair: Prepare a variety of lip balms and test them out to determine which one is the best.

41. You can make eggshell chalk
You can make your own sidewalk chalk by using calcium from eggshells. Kids will love making their own sidewalk chalk by grinding eggshells and decorating the sidewalk using the powdered results.

42. Get ready to explore the swim bladders
This simple experiment can be used to learn about the anatomy of fishes or explore buoyancy.
(Refer to this page for more information on balloon science.)

43. Bake an edible model cell
While students can build a cell model from clay, candy and cake are much better! You can see the process from one teacher by clicking on this link.

44. Check if texting qualifies as a new type of language
Although text-speak is a common language among children, it does not necessarily mean that they are proficient in the whole language. Students will research texting history and language, then create a glossary of texting terms and discuss its practical uses.

45. Take a glass water
This science experiment teaches children the basics of centripetal force. Take this experiment outside if you aren’t careful.

46. Plants and acidic rain
This experiment uses vinegar to test whether acid rain affects plant life. It does not use any fossil fuels. This experiment could be extended to include a research project about the effects of pollution on plants and how to reduce them.

47. Your plants will be savored
This tried-and true experiment will delight your students. Experiment with various music genres (R&B or country). To see the effects of different music on plant growth,

48. Heating (or cooling) balloons
Your students will be able to see the elastic properties of balloons exposed to temperature variations. (Read more about balloon science.

49. The detergent’s effect on surface tension can be detected
Different powders can be used to measure the surface tension of different water, including dish soap and Talcum powder. This experiment can be extended with hard water and other detergents.

50. Instant ice can be made
Students can learn about nucleation by making their own instant ice.

51. Simulate plate-tectonics
You would never have known that graham crackers could be used to show students the different boundaries of plates. Your students can have a delicious snack after simulating Convergent and Divergent fault boundaries.

52. Use food coloring to evaporate water
Water cycle is complex and has many parts. This demonstration will demonstrate evaporation using food coloring. You can also use a hotplate to replace a stove.

53. Find the resonance frequency
This “trick”, which involves someone playing with wineglasses to create notes that combine into a song, has been seen in many movies. It’s actually science, not a trick “…. Middle school students will love exploring resonance frequency with different liquids.

54. Yo-yo to cause friction
Teachers: Save this one for when your students are using yo yos. This hands-on demonstration will show students how friction works and provide safety guidelines.

55. Construct casein plastic
Your students will be shocked to learn that plastic was made of milk prior to the 20th Century. It doesn’t take a lot of materials to complete this project. We encourage experimentation with different molds.


  • harryrees

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